Specialisti in sistemi automatici di marcatura e lettura

Italian specialists in marking systems.

Green Project Srl is a world leader in supplying automatic marking and reading systems for the metal industry. Founded in Genoa in 1995 by a group of professionals from the most important Italian steel making company, Green Project Srl, with more than 450 installations worldwide and an extended service network, is today one of the most reliable and expert international specialists in its field of activity.

Marking & Reading System for Metals

Today the production can be easily tracked also in the metal production plants, despite the harsh environment, the hard service life, the very demanding operation. This is the field where Green Project is specialized: offering durable and reliable solutions to identify & recognize automatically the produts for their in line tracking and branding in the metal production plants.
Having available all marking and reading technologies, we are always capable to supply the best solutions to our Customers, specifically tailored on their needs.
Our machines feature effective design, reliable operation, innovative technology. They are fully automatic, they can mark/read with products at standstill or "on the fly” to optimize the production rate. Sometimes they are standard electro-mechanical machines, designed for a specific need, sometimes they are robots; but always keeping in mind what can best satisfy
the Customer needs. And resisting to heat, dust, oil, water and hard continuative service.

Research & Development

Green Project has been capable to enter and rapidly grew up in the international market, thanks to its reliable and performing products developed through a constant and significant R&D investment.
Main R&D areas are new materials and technologies, paints and other raw materials for marking, software tools (real time environment, multi platform Java GUI, ...) and new reading systems.

Vision and Mission

Green Project’s Vision is to be a profitable state of the art recognized supplier of machines and services to the World Wide market, with loyal Customers and motivated employees.
Green Project’s Mission is to create Customers value by providing problem solving and manufacturing of enduring, reliable, innovative and cost effective equipments.


Nuova Categoria

Nuova Categoria

Italian specialists in marking systems.





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